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EastWest S&P 500 Index Feeder Fund

Achieve investment returns that track the performance of the S&P 500 Index (SPX Index) by investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks comprising the S&P 500 in the same weight as the index. This US Dollar-denominated fund is ideal for investors with long-term investment horizon.

Product Features

Frequently Asked Questions

NAVPU to be used is the NAVPU on the date of transaction

Yes, but you must wait for your redemption's settlement date before transferring the proceeds to another UITF.

The Key Information and Investment Disclosure Statements (KIIDS) are available in the bank's website. You may also request for your fund statement from the Trust Division through your depository branch. The daily NAV per unit and other fund information are also available on our website at and the UITF website at

Yes- dollar account. 

No penalties will be charged. The minimum investment only applies to your initial investment. It is not your fault should your investment decrease in value due to movements in the market prices of the underlying investments of the funds.

By BSP regulation, trust assets are kept separate and distinct from the Bank's. Therefore, in the unlikely event that East West Bank should close, all trust assets, including UITF assets, cannot be touched by its creditors. You will still be able to withdraw the market value of your entire investment.

  1. Primary and Valid Gov't ID (preferably showing permanent home address) 
  2. EWB Savings account
  3. 1 LOI to debit initial placement from nominated EWB CASA # 
  4. UITF application forms

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