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Foreign Exchange Rates

Save and transact in a wide range of foreign currencies for your future trips, purchases, remittances or diversification of your savings.


Top Bond Picks

Series NameIssuer NameGross Coupon RateMaturity DateIndicative Gross Offer RateIndicative Net Offer RateInflation Rate (As of February 2025)
TBILL 03.04.2026Bureau of TreasuryN/A4-Mar-265.750%4.53%2.10%
FXTN 07-70Bureau of Treasury6.375%27-Jul-306.020%4.76%2.10%
FXTN 10-72Bureau of Treasury6.250%25-Jan-346.080%4.92%2.10%

Note: Please call for firm offer rates/price. Rates are subject to taxes and fees.

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Time Deposit

Peso Time Deposit

Jan 7 - Jan 13, 2025

Amount Range30 Days60 Days90 Days180 Days270 Days360 Days
PhP 10,000 to < 100,0001.125%1.175%1.225%1.325%1.625%1.625%
PhP 100,000 to < 500,0003.550%3.670%3.780%4.020%4.020%4.070%
PhP 500,000 to < 1 million3.550%3.670%3.780%4.020%4.020%4.070%
PhP 1 million to < 3 million3.550%3.670%3.780%4.020%4.020%4.070%
PhP 3 million to < 5 million3.550%3.670%3.780%4.020%4.020%4.070%
PhP 5 million to < 10 million3.550%3.670%3.780%4.020%4.020%4.070%
PhP10,000,000 to 100,000,0003.7770%3.890%4.000%4.200%4.200%4.250%

PhP Gross Interest Rates are subject to 20.00% p.a. withholding tax

Long Term PhP Time Deposit

Deposit Product2 years3 Years4 Years5 Years + 1 Day
PhP 10,000 and above4.400%4.400%4.400%4.40% net

PhP Gross Interest Rates are subject to 20.00% p.a. withholding tax (except for 5 years + 1 day)

USD Time Deposit

Amount Range30 Days 60 Days90 Days180 Days270 Days360 Days
USD 1,000 to < 2,0000.135%0.135%0.135%0.135%0.160%0.170%
USD 2,000 to < 5,0002.750%2.900%3.100%3.150%3.150%3.150%
USD 2,000 to < 5,0002.750%2.900%3.100%3.150%3.150%3.150%
USD 10,000 < 20,0002.750%2.900%3.100%3.150%3.150%3.150%
USD 20,000 < 50,0002.750%2.900%3.100%3.150%3.150%3.150%
USD 50,000 < 100,0002.750%2.900%3.100%3.150%3.150%3.150%
USD 100,000 < 200,0002.750%2.900%3.100%3.150%3.150%3.150%

Gross Interest Rates for USD and 3rd currency deposits are subject to the following withholding tax p.a.:
> 15% for Domestic Corporation/Individual Citizen or Resident Alien

> 7.5% for Resident Foreign Corporation

Long Term USD Time Deposit

Term of Fixed Quarterly Payout2 Years3 Years4 Years5 Years + 1 Day
PhP 10,000 and above3.300%3.300%3.300%3.300%

USD Gross Interest Rates are subject to 15% p.a. withholding tax

*Also available for terms of 360 days, up to 5 years

RMB Time Deposit

Term of Fixed Quarterly Payout30 Days60 Days90 Days180 Days
RMB 5,000 and above1.000%1.000%1.250%1.250%

RMB Gross Interest Rates are subject to 15% p.a. withholding tax

EURO Time Deposit

Term of Fixed Quarterly Payout30 Days60 Days90 Days180 Days
EUR 500 and above0.105%0.105%0.120%0.150%

EUR Gross Interest Rates are subject to 15% p.a. withholding tax

JPY Time Deposit

Term of Fixed Quarterly Payout30 Days60 Days90 Days180 Days
JPY 50,000 and above0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%

JPY Gross Interest Rates are subject to 15% p.a. withholding tax

SGD Time Deposit

JPY Gross Interest Rates are subject to 15% p.a. withholding tax

Term of Fixed Quarterly Payout30 Days60 Days90 Days180 Days
SGD 1,000 and above0.200%0.200%0.200%0.200%

AUD Time Deposit

Term of Fixed Quarterly Payout30 Days60 Days90 Days180 Days360 Days
AUD 1,000 < 20,0000.500%0.500%0.75%1.000%1.000%
AUD 20,000 < 50,0000.500%0.500%0.75%1.000%1.000%
AUD 50,000 < 100,0000.500%0.500%0.75%1.000%1.000%
AUD 100,000 and above0.500%0.500%0.75%1.000%1.000%

AUD Gross Interest Rates are subject to 15% p.a. withholding tax

Want to know more about our Time Deposit? Contact us now. 
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Deposit Interest Rates

PESO Savings

Deposit ProductInitial DepositMinimum Maintaining BalanceBalance to Earn InterestInterest Rate per Annum
Regular Savings5,0005,00010,0000.125%
Passbook SavingsIndividual: 10,000
Corporate: 20,000
Individual: 10,000
Corporate: 20,000
Individual: 10,000
Corporate: 20,000
Passbook Savings with Debit Card10,00010,00025,0000.125%
Kiddie Savings2,0002,0002,0000.125%

PESO Checking

Deposit ProductInitial DepositMinimum Maintaining BalanceBalance to Earn InterestInterest Rate per Annum
Regular CheckingIndividual: 10,000
Corporate: 20,000
Individual: 10,000
Corporate: 20,000
Cheque MaxIndividual: 20,000
Corporate: 50,000
Individual: 20,000
Corporate: 50,000
Individual: 20,000
Corporate: 50,000
ChequeMax RewardsIndividual/
Corporate: 100,000
Corporate: 100,000
Corporate: 100,000
Super CheckingIndividual: 500,000
Corporate: 1,000,000
Individual: 500,000
Corporate: 1,000,000
Individual: 500,000
Corporate: 1,000,000
500k to less than 1M: 0.200% (Individual only) | 1M and up: 0.400% | Bonus Interest Rate: 3.100% if not greater than 2 withdrawals during the month

Tiered Deposit

Deposit ProductInitial DepositMinimum Maintaining BalanceBalance to Earn InterestInterest Rate per Annum
Super SaverIndividual/
Corporate: 500,000
Corporate: 500,000
Individual: 500,000 Corporate: 1,000,000500k to less than 1M: 0.200% (individual only) | 1M and up 0.400% | Bonus Interest Rate: 3.100% if no withdrawals during the month
Super CheckingIndividual: 500,000 Corporate: 1,000,000Individual: 500,000 Corporate: 1,000,000Individual: 500,000 Corporate: 1,000,000500k to less than 1M: 0.200% (Individual only) | 1M and up: 0.400% | Bonus Interest Rate: 3.100% if not greater than 2 withdrawals during the month
US Dollar SuperSaverUSD 5,000USD 5,000USD 5,000USD 5,000 to less than USD 10,000 – 0.125% | USD 10,000 to less than USD 100,000 – 0.200% | USD 100,000 and up – 0.250% | Bonus Interest Rate: 2.500% if no withdrawals during the month

Foreign Currency Savings

Deposit ProductInitial DepositMinimum Maintaining BalanceBalance to Earn InterestInterest Rate per Annum
USD Dollar SavingsUSD 200USD 200USD 5000.125%
Chinese Yuan SavingsCNY 500CNY 500CNY 5001.000%
Euro Savings**EUR 250EUR 250EUR 2500.000%
Japanese Yen Savings**JPY 25,000JPY 25,000JPY 25,0000.005%
Singaporean Dollar Savings**SGD 100SGD 100SGD 1000.100%
British Pound Savings AccountGBP 100GBP 100GBP 1000.25%
Australian Dollar Savings AccountAUD 250AUD 250AUD 2501.00%
Hongkong Dollar Savings AccountHKD 250HKD 250HKD 2500.150%
New Zealand Dollar Savings AccountNZD 250NZD 250NZD 2500.500%
US Dollar SuperSaverUSD 5,000USD 5,000USD 5,000USD 5,000 to less than USD 10,000 – 0.125% | USD 10,000 to less than USD 100,000 – 0.200% | USD 100,000 and up – 0.250% | Bonus Interest Rate: 2.500% if no withdrawals during the month

*Minimum Balance to Earn Rewards Points
**Offered only in select stores

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Loan Interest

Auto Loan Rates

TypeInterest Payment12 Months19 Months24 Months36 Months48 Months60 Months
Brand NewIn Advance5.10%7.94%10.84%16.79%22.94%29.27%
In Arrears6.60%8.93%11.86%17.86%24.07%30.46%
Second HandIn Advance6.04%10.16%14.93%24.07%34.24% 
In Arrears7.19%11.45%16.37%25.68%36.03% 

Home Loan Rates

1 Year7.00%
2-3 Years7.75%
4-5 Years7.99%

Personal Loan Rates

With Existing Credit Card or Bank Loan of At Least 9 Months

TenorMonthly RateFactor RateContractual Interest RateEffective Interest Rate
12 Months1.79%0.073455637.54% p.a.50.27% p.a.
18 Months0.073455637.45% p.a.48.50% p.a.
24 Months0.059566736.98% p.a.46.97% p.a.
36 Months0.045677835.78% p.a.44.42% p.a.
48 Months0.038733334.61% p.a.42.36% p.a
60 Months0.034566733.55% p.a.40.65% p.a

Without Existing Credit Card or Bank Loan of At Least 9 Months

TenorMonthly RateFactor RateContractual Interest RateEffective Interest Rate
12 Months1.99%0.103233341.51% p.a.56.19% p.a.
18 Months0.075455641.31% p.a.54.19% p.a.
24 Months0.061566740.70% p.a.52.41% p.a.
36 Months0.047677839.26% p.a.49.42% p.a.
48 Months0.040733337.89% p.a.47.01% p.a
60 Months0.036566736.67% p.a.45.03% p.a

Contractual and Effective Interest Rates in the tables above are computed based on a Loan Amount of Php100,000 and Processing Fee of Php1,900. Rates shown are indicative only and may change upon approval depending on your approved loan amount, tenor, and applicable fees such as loan processing fee and documentary stamp tax (DST). The final rate of your personal loan will be confirmed in your loan documents prior to booking. Per BSP Circular No.730, EIR is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash flow through the life of the loan to the net amount of loan proceeds. It is the rate that best measures the true cost of credit.
Processing of application will take 5 to 7 banking days. Release of loan proceeds to the client will take another 2 banking days for pick up and 2 to 4 banking days for the delivery and deposit to account option.

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