- EastWest Credit Cards' Insta-Cash Facility allows the conversion of qualified Cardholder’s available credit limit to cash which can be paid in fixed monthly installments.
- The Cardholder acknowledges that the Insta-Cash application will be subject to evaluation and approval.
- Upon approval of the Insta-Cash application, the principal amount, interest charges and fees will be earmarked against the Cardholder’s available credit limit. The fixed monthly installment amount shall form part of Cardholder’s Total Statement Balance and will be billed to his/her EastWest Credit Card account on his/her next and succeeding Statements of Account (“SOAs”) until the Insta-Cash amount is fully paid.
A processing fee will be charged for each approved application.
a. Php 500 for each approved application via electronic channels (EastWest System Tech Assistant chatbot/ ESTA, EastWest Online and EastWest mobile banking)b. Php 1,000 for each approved application via Customer service-assisted or telesales agent-assisted call (inbound or outbound)
- Cardholders have the option to receive the proceeds via credit/deposit to his/her EastWest or non-EastWest bank deposit account.
- The Cardholder shall hold EastWest free and harmless for any error in the crediting of the Insta-Cash proceeds to the account number that he/she has provided. A transaction fee may be charged for regional/provincial deposits for non-EastWest bank deposit accounts.
- In the event that the Cardholder’s outstanding balance exceeds his/her prescribed credit limit upon posting of the approved Insta-Cash amount to his/her EastWest Credit Card account, the corresponding Over Credit Limit Fee shall be imposed. The amount in excess of the prescribed credit limit shall be part of Cardholder’s Minimum Payment Due in his/her next SOA.
- EastWest has the sole discretion to approve or reject the Cardholder's Insta-Cash application. If such application is denied, EastWest has no obligation to furnish the Cardholder a notice or reason of such rejection. EastWest also has the sole discretion to approve only a portion of the installment amount applied for.
- The Cardholder's EastWest Credit Card account must be active and current at all times. Should the Cardholder's EastWest Credit Card account be suspended, cancelled, or not renewed or should the Cardholder fail to make payments, breach or violate the Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of EastWest Credit Cards, the remaining unpaid Insta-Cash amount, as well as the entire outstanding balance in the Cardholder's EastWest Credit Card account, shall immediately become due and demandable.
- In case of partial payment by the Cardholder of the installment amount, the unpaid balance shall incur the usual interest charges imposed on revolving balances in accordance with the Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of EastWest Credit Cards.
- If the Cardholder pays the installment amount in full per month but has an outstanding or revolving balance on his/her previous/other purchases or installment availments, his/her EastWest Credit Card account shall likewise incur interest charges.
- In case of pre-termination, the Cardholder agrees to pay an Installment Pre-termination Processing Fee equivalent to 5% of the remaining principal balance or Php500, whichever is higher.
- The Cardholder shall continue to be bound by and comply with the Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of EastWest Credit Cards which are incorporated herein by reference and of which he/she was furnished copies by EastWest, as well as the Terms and Conditions of the Insta-Cash Facility.
View the sample computation on interest charge and loan amortization.
For Visa Infinite, click here.
For other credit card products, click here.